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The Casual and Fleeting

The Seemingly Unimportant

by Stefan F. Wirth

Much does not happen directly in front of our eyes, but at the edge of our field of vision. Blurred shadows scurrying past us, rapid movements, casually, almost unnoticed. Our human nature mainly forces us to willingly pay attention to the essentials. Undoubtedly a limitation of our senses that is necessary for survival. 

We are sight animals, our most important sense is the three-dimensional perception of the space in which we move. However, we do not look for the details purposely, but check what stands in our way, what is coming towards us, who is communicating with us, where we can continue on our path in the most energy-efficient way.

Adapting to the arboreal climbing lifestyle, our eyes have evolved forward to create an overlapping field of vision with sharper and more spatial perception. 

Everything that happens outside seems unimportant to survival. Or not? After all, we also take notice of such events, just not consciously, not with full attention, our memory filters out everything, insignificant, casual, on the edge, blurred, distorted, shadowy. 

And yet the danger of an attacker can hide just on the sidelines. Our brain instinctively searches for as much information as possible. Because even the incidental is information. Even if we are often not consciously aware of it.

When bright yellow light strays in the dark, lost between the blackness of the forest and the gray of the lighted road, it's just a flicker on the edge.

When the withered leaves change their color on the ground, all I perceive is the rustling of my feet clumsily stumbling over them.

Only the camera trusts to perceive as neutrally as possible and focusses closer and closer and closer.


A camera isn't human, it can focus, but it doesn't select. It shows us what is there, captures the fleeting moment on its sensor, creates an image of even the tiniest insignificant motions for eternity. And by doing so, it gives them a honestly very deserved importance.

© Stefan F. Wirth, Berlin, 2023
The Casual and Fleeting


The Casual and Fleeting
